“I believe in Advaita; I believe in the essential unity of man and for that matter, for all that lives. Therefore, I believe that if one man gains spiritually, the whole world gains with him and if one man fails, the whole world fall to that extent…”

With these words the Father of modern India, Mahatma Gandhi, revealed the thoughts that were a major influence on him in 1924.

However, the ideas he mentioned date back hundreds of years to the thoughts of an influential thinker named Sankara, and they also reflect the ideas of more modern Indian scholars who were shaping and adapting ancient ideas to a contemporary present.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Jwalatkoti bAlarka bhAsa runAngiM

Jwalatkoti bAlarka bhAsa runAngiM

SulAvanya shringAr shobhA virAmA

MahApadma kinjalka madhye virajat

Trikonola sankthim bhaje sri bhavAni

GaneshAni mAdhyA khilai shakti vrindaihi spurat sri makAchakra rajolla santi

ParAm rAjarAjeshwari twAm bhavAni

ShivAm ko paristwAm shivAm bhAvayeham

Durustwam shivastwamcha shaktistwameva twamevAsi mAta pitAsi twameva

TwamevAsi vidyA twamevAsi buddhihi

Katirme matir devi sarvam twameva

Shruti nAma gamyam suvedA gamAdhai.r.mahimno na jAnAti pAram tamedam

Stutim kartu mechAmite twam bhavani

Kshamasve namambam pramukhta khilAham

Sharanye varainye sukhArunya purne hiranyodharAdhair gamyeti punye

BhavAranya bhitamcha mAmpahi bhadre

Namaste namaste namaste bhavAni