“I believe in Advaita; I believe in the essential unity of man and for that matter, for all that lives. Therefore, I believe that if one man gains spiritually, the whole world gains with him and if one man fails, the whole world fall to that extent…”

With these words the Father of modern India, Mahatma Gandhi, revealed the thoughts that were a major influence on him in 1924.

However, the ideas he mentioned date back hundreds of years to the thoughts of an influential thinker named Sankara, and they also reflect the ideas of more modern Indian scholars who were shaping and adapting ancient ideas to a contemporary present.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Jwalatkoti bAlarka bhAsa runAngiM

Jwalatkoti bAlarka bhAsa runAngiM

SulAvanya shringAr shobhA virAmA

MahApadma kinjalka madhye virajat

Trikonola sankthim bhaje sri bhavAni

GaneshAni mAdhyA khilai shakti vrindaihi spurat sri makAchakra rajolla santi

ParAm rAjarAjeshwari twAm bhavAni

ShivAm ko paristwAm shivAm bhAvayeham

Durustwam shivastwamcha shaktistwameva twamevAsi mAta pitAsi twameva

TwamevAsi vidyA twamevAsi buddhihi

Katirme matir devi sarvam twameva

Shruti nAma gamyam suvedA gamAdhai.r.mahimno na jAnAti pAram tamedam

Stutim kartu mechAmite twam bhavani

Kshamasve namambam pramukhta khilAham

Sharanye varainye sukhArunya purne hiranyodharAdhair gamyeti punye

BhavAranya bhitamcha mAmpahi bhadre

Namaste namaste namaste bhavAni

Monday, April 25, 2011


viditakila sastra sudha jalatheĆ¢
mahitopa nisatkathi tarthanidhe
hrdayekalaye vimalam saranam
bhava sankara desika me saranam ||1||

o thou, the knower of all the milk-ocean of scriptures! the expounder of the topics of great upanisadic treasure-trove! on thy faultless feet i meditate in my heart. be thou my refuge o master, sankara

karuna varunalaya palaya mam
bhvasagara dukha vidunahrdam
racayakhila darshana thatvanidam
bhava sankara desika me saranam ||2||

o the ocean of campassion! save me whose heart is tormented by the misery of the sea of birth! make me understand the truths of all the schools of philosophy! be thou my refuge o master, sankara

bhavata janata suhita bhavita
nijabodha vicarana charumate
kalayeshvara jiva vivekavidam
bhava sankara desika me saranam ||3||

by thee, the masses have been made happy. o thou who hast a noble intellect skilled in the inquiry into self-knowledge! enable me to understand the wisdom relating to god and the soul. be thou my refuge o master, sankara

bhava eva bhavaniti me nitaram
samajayata chetasi kautukita
mamavaraya moha mahajaladhim
bhava sankara desika me saranam ||4||

knowing that thou art verily the supreme lord, there arises overwhelming bliss in my heart. protect me from the vast ocean of delusion. be thou my refuge o master, sankara

sukrte dhikrete bahidha bhavato
bhavita sama darshana lalasata
atihinamimam paripalaya mam
bhava sankara desika me saranam ||5||

desire for the insight into unity through thee will spring only when virtuous deeds are performed in abundance and in various directions. protect this extremely helpless person. be thou my refuge o master, sankara

jagatimavitum kalitakritayo
vicharanti mahamana saschalatah
ahimam sturivatra vibhasi guro
bhava sankara desika me saranam ||6||

oh teacher! for saving the world, the great assume various forms and wander in disguise. of them, thou shinest like the sun. be thou my refuge o master, sankara

gurupungava pungava ketana te
samatam ayatam nahi koĆ¢pi sudhih
saranagatavatsala tattvinidhe
bhava sankara desika me saranam ||7||

o the best of the teachers! the supreme lord having the bull as banner! none of the wise is equal to thee! thou who art compassionate to those who have taken refuge! the treasure trove of truth! be thou my refuge o master, sankara

vidita na maya vishataikakala
nacha kincana kancanamasti guro
drutameva videhi krupam sahajam
bhava sankara desika me saranam ||8||

not even a single branch of knowledge has been understood by me correctly. not even the least wealth do i possess, o teacher. bestow on me quickly thy natural grace. be thou my refuge o master, sankara

Sankaracharya Suprabhatam by Sri M Balamurali Krishna


Ganesha Pancharatnam

1 Mudakaratha Modakam Sada Vimukthi Sadhakam
Kaladaravathamskam Vilasi Lokarakshakam
Anaayakaik Nayakam Vinashithebha Dhyathakam
Natha shubhashu Nashakam Namami Tham Vinayakam

Meaning: I prostrate before Lord Vinaayaka who joyously holds modaka in His hand, who bestows salvation, who wears the moon as a crown in His head, who is the sole leader of those who lose themselves in the world. The leader of the leaderless who destroyed the elephant demon called Gajaasura and who quickly destroys the sins of those who bow down to Him, I worship such a Lord Ganesh.

2 Nathetharathi Bheekaram Namodhitharka Bhaswaram
Namthsurari Nirjaram Nathadikaa Paduddaram
Sureswaram Nidhishwaram Gajeswaram Ganeswaram
Maheshwaram Thvamashraye Parathparam Nirantharam

Meaning: I meditate eternally on Him, the Lord of the Ganas, who is frightening to those not devoted, who shines like the morning sun, to whom all the Gods and demons bow, who removes the great distress of His devotees and who is the best among the best.

3 Samastha Loka Shankaram Nirastha Dhaithya Kunjaram
Daretharodaram Varam VareBhavakthra Maksharam
Krupakaram Kshamakaram Mudhakaram Yashaskaram
Manaskaram Namskrutham Namskaromi Bhaswaram

Meaning: I bow down with my whole mind to the shining Ganapati who brings happiness to all the worlds, who destroyed the demon Gajasura, who has a big belly, beautiful elephant face, who is immortal, who gives mercy, forgiveness and happiness to those who bow to Him and who bestows fame and a well disposed mind.

4 Akincha narthi marjanam Chirantha Nokthi Bhajanam
Purari Purva Nandanam Surari Gurva Charvanam
Prapancha nasha Bheeshanam Dhananjayadi Bhooshanam
Kapola Danavaranam Bhaje Purana Varanam

Meaning: I worship the ancient elephant God who destroys the pains of the poor, who is the abode of Aum, who is the first son of Lord Shiva (Shiva who is the destroyer of triple cities), who destroys the pride of the enemies of the Gods, who is frightening to look at during the time of world’s destruction, who is fierce like an elephant in rut and who wears Dhananjaya and other serpents as his ornaments.

5 Nithantha Kantha Dhantha Khanthi Mantha Kantha Kathmajam
Achinthya Roopa Manthaheena Mantharaya Krunthanam
Hrudanthare Nirantharam Vasanthameva Yoginam
Thamekadantha Mevatham Vichintha Yami Santhatham

Meaning: I constantly reflect upon that single tusked God only, whose lustrous tusk is very beautiful, who is the son of Lord Shiva, (Shiva, the God of destruction), whose form is immortal and unknowable, who tears asunder all obstacles, and who dwells forever in the hearts of the Yogis.

6 Maha Ganesha Pancharathna Madarena Yonvaham
Prjalpathi Prabhathake Hrudismaram Ganeswaram
Arogathaam Dhoshathaam Susahitheem Suputhratham
Samahithaayu rashta Bhoothi mabhu paithi Soochiraath

Meaning: He who recites this every morning with devotion, these five gems about Lord Ganapati and who remembers in his heart the great Ganesha, will soon be endowed with a healthy life free of blemishes, will attain learning, noble sons, a long life that is calm and pleasant and will be endowed with spiritual and material prosperity.

(Source: chennaionline.com)